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 After you have created an account, you will first get Site Instructions to assist you in processing your deals by using any available COUPONS or purchasing and using productivity Points.

 Any purchases made here will be through an encrypted and secure site operated by Paypal, using either your Paypal account, or any other credit or debit card accepted by Paypal.

 You can generate your Deal Data Sheet and Estimated Closing Figures by clicking on the Deal Data Sheet on the Left Side Menu.

 You can then "Print" to your local printer or (if your system supports Print To PDF) using buttons on the bottom bar of the page.


The E-Mail address that you use for creating your account must be a valid Email address. You will be sent an E-mail with your activation code.

Because of the pending launch of
Because of the pending launch of Real Estate Pro Tool (www.realestateprotool.com) Version 2, registration for Real Deal Data (www.realdealdata.com) Version 1 is no longer being accepted.

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The site has been optimized for the downstate counties of New York State. Tax structures render variations in other counties and states.

Company Info

FOR STATES OTHER THAN NEW YORK (NY)      ******   Adjustments may be made by the user, for example:   Adding to the Seller's Concession amounts that in New York are shown to be paid by the Buyer but in your State are actually paid by the Seller. In that case you should change the Buyer's cost for such items to zero. The same can be done in New York, and especially may be needed outside of the five counties or boroughs of New York City.


Estimates of Local, County, State or other municipal taxes, fees or charges may not be available through this application for states outside of New York.  You should insert them where applicable as "Other" charges.


The Scenarios created by your data collection and entry represent  ESTIMATES only.  Your law professional or other settlement agent will provide actual closing figures.

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